The Malta Independent 13 June 2024, Thursday
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Michael Frendo Speaks at EU ministers conference in Ireland

Malta Independent Saturday, 10 April 2004, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

This was the main theme pursued by parliamentary secretary for foreign affairs and investment promotion Michael Frendo at a ministerial conference on Communicating Europe organised by the Irish Presidency of the European Union in Wicklow, Ireland, which ended yesterday.

It was the first ministerial conference to systematically tackle the issue of a common communication strategy for the EU.

It was attended by ministers responsible for European affairs from member states, accession countries and Balkan states such as Bosnia and Macedonia.

Making his contribution to the conference, Dr Frendo emphasised the fact that national parliaments have an important role in communicating Europe, especially in disseminating information about their work in the scrutiny of the EU acquis and in its adoption of natural laws transposing EU directives.

He also said member states need to use the normal press and media channels to inform the public who, after all, obtain most of their information from the media and not necessarily from surfing the net.

The conference, which was hosted and chaired by Irish Minister for European Affairs Dick Roche, was also addressed by European Parliament President Pat Cox and Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner Antonio Vittorino.

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