The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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Dog Adopts abandoned kittens

Malta Independent Thursday, 15 April 2004, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

Alison Bezzina made an appeal for people to give the three kittens a home after she rescued them last week. She sent an email to her friends which eventually ended up at our offices. This newspaper made a public appeal for people to adopt the animals and the response was very good. In fact, more homes than were needed were found. The kittens are being kept at a “half-way” house where they have found a very unlikely mother in the form of an eight-year-old mongrel bitch, Huska.

Ms Bezzina said that as the kittens are very young, she is trying to keep them with Huska until they are just a little bit older.

Huska also seems to be enjoying herself. She lost a litter of three puppies about a year back and when they were taken away from her, she adopted her owner’s soft-toys. Ms Bezzina said Huska is the perfect example of compassion to animals. She said: “Huska is the best example of solidarity and altruism. We humans consider ourselves a superior species. To see a dog adopting three kittens the way Huska has done, puts serious doubts in my head as to which really is the superior species.”

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