The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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Malta’s EU Accession celebrations

Malta Independent Monday, 26 April 2004, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

Addressing the press on Mr Hof’s arrival in Malta yesterday, WelcomEurope chairman Lou Bondi said that this light installation is the peak of the celebratory spectacle and is expected to draw about one billion television viewers tuning in to watch the show. Malta has been given the privilege of having its EU accession celebrations transmitted at midnight, continued Mr Bondi.

The creator of the light show, Mr Hof, explained that it will be a work that encompasses many spheres of art: music, lights and pyrotechnics. Special generators are being brought in from Germany since the spectacle will be powered by two million watts – about the same amount of electricity that Gozo uses in an evening.

The light produced by the production will be so strong that Malta International Airport will be closed for about three-quarters-of-an-hour.

There is no best place from which to view the display, since every angle will give the audience a different experience. The light monument is the premier of a new piece of music by Roger Waters which will be heard as far as Castille on the night.

The sea at St Angelo is a feature that will set off the show because it will act as a mirror and give the display another dimension, said Mr Hof. He also explained that any bad weather will actually enhance the show as the light will reflect on any rain or clouds, making it even more striking.

The equipment, which filled eight 40-foot trailers, started being set up yesterday. By Thursday, everything should be in place and the lights will be lit to ensure maximum performance on the night.

Gert Hof has had a colourful and prolific career and has put on a large number of these spectacular light monuments in various countries to celebrate other historic events such as the Night of the Euro in Greece and millennium events in Hungary and China. Now he will help Malta to make a grand entrance into Europe.

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