The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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Daphne’s Christmas Sermon

Malta Independent Sunday, 26 December 2004, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

From Mrs L.Galea

In Daphne’s column last week a little paragraph was dedicated to a “cruel heartless woman”. I am that cruel heartless woman. Unlike what Daphne reported, my letter was printed it in The Malta Independent. My letter was inaccurately quoted and as usual Mrs Caruana Galizia picked on a couple of words and fit them into a context that had nothing to do with what I said. She completely missed the bus.

My little Christmas message to Daphne is: Charity is not writing a column for the masses at Christmas time and, once the festive celebrations are over, revert back to hurling insults or spiteful comments for the rest of the year.

It is uncharitable to keep immigrants here in unhappy conditions, was my point, and I stick to it. Being kept in an institute is not what they want. I am sure that they wish to be free, to go out and about, to earn a decent wage not a meagre one because they are immigrants, and live a better life. What is Malta offering them? I can understand they want a better life and that Malta’s limited resources cannot offer much more.

Suggesting to all the armchair critics who criticise the government for not tackling the issue and to welcome the immigrants into their own homes, is something I do not regret. I find Daphne’s Christmas reflection as being quite ironic coming from her.

Perhaps she ought to profoundly examine how many times she has portrayed charitable feelings versus spiteful comments and if the balance had to tilt, it surely would not be in her favour. If this is what she wants to feed the readers, then so be it. But the least she could do is to get her facts right.

L. Galea


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