The Malta Independent 13 June 2024, Thursday
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The Insanity of abortion

Malta Independent Sunday, 9 January 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

Fact: 80 per cent of abortions are carried out after the sixth week and before the 12th week, and most abortions do not occur before the eighth week of development. Even when pregnancies are discovered before the sixth week, most abortion clinics in the US and Europe want to ensure that the baby is large enough to be able to take a proper inventory of the severed body parts following the dilation and curettage or suction procedures used to remove the foetus in abortion.

Any parts left inside the mother, say a hand or a leg, which by this time are already present, will cause a dangerous infection to develop in the mother.

Dr Joseph Bruner is the name of the doctor who lifted the arm of little Sarah Marie Switzer shown in this dramatic photo. The photo of Sarah Marie clasping her doctor’s finger was voted photo of the year in Life magazine in the section headed Science and Technology. Dr Bruner has carried out over 80 in utero spina bifda operations. In the April 2000 Atlanta Journal Constitution, Dr Bruner was quoted as stating that he would often talk to the babies as he operated on them, conveying to his little patients messages from their parents, that their mummy and daddy loves them and that they are doing all they can to help their little one. Doctor Bruner also tries to soothe the unborn patients as he operates on their tiny fragile bodies, talking to them in a reassuring tone to keep them calm, and letting them know what is going on.

You would be hard pressed to find anyone more qualified than Doctor Bruner, who understands the value of human life. Except that Dr Bruner also aborts children with spina bifida. He is paid to either kill or save his patients with the very same condition at the very same age. The choice does not belong to the innocent human life in the womb, the choice remains firmly in the hands of the parents and Dr Bruner.

The second photo shows Sarah Marie at six months. How is a situation such as this possible, you may ask? Sadly, it is made possible because the moment we deny that life in utero is a real human life worth defending at all stages of development and at all costs, in some mysterious way we lose the very special gift that makes us all fully human. Man loses his worth and life is no longer a precious gift but a disposable commodity to be used, abused and thrown away. Many countries have lost their humanity to the insanity of what they call choice. Those who profess that they are “pro-choice” are actually ignorant of the realities and what this stand means. Some have freely chosen not to investigate what taking a “pro-choice” stand actually means, conveniently avoiding researching the actual facts, as this would force them to rethink their position. Others are simply oblivious to the fact that abortion stops a beating heart and that in many cases the foetus actually feels real pain as it is torn to pieces or burnt by a saline solution injected into the pregnant woman’s womb. In the infamous and chilling video Silent Scream, through the use of an ultrasound machine that shows moving real-time images of the child inside the womb, one can witness an abortion being carried out on a 12-week old child. As the abortionist’s instrument is inserted into the womb through the vagina, a desperate foetus can be seen scrambling away from the instrument in a vain attempt to get away from the “suction tip”. With its mouth open in a silent scream and with extremely rapid and violent body movements, the child’s heartbeat increases from 140 to 200 beats per minute, as it senses the most mortal danger imaginable.

The young doctor, who carried out the abortion featured in the film and who had by that time carried out over 10,000 abortions, was asked to assist with the editing of the film. Halfway through the editing, he asked to leave the room overcome by grief. He returned to help complete the editing and never carried out an abortion again. Anyone can view Silent Scream free of charge at In fact, Silent Scream is presented by the famous Dr Bernard Nathanson, who was at the forefront of the pro-abortion movement in the 1970s. In his time he had presided over 75,000 abortions and had helped sculpt the landscape from whence emerged Roe v. Wade in 1973. Sixteen years later there was no escaping the interior dialogue that haunted him and accused him.

“Gift of Life” exists to defend the lives of those who cannot speak up for themselves; the group is committed to educating anyone who will listen about the true horrors of abortion.

So far Malta’s young ones are safe from this barbaric practice of legal murder. Let us always make sure that we never have to deal with such bizarre situations, by working together to keep abortion away from our shores. Please help us keep it this way by sending your donations to PO Box 36 Mosta, in the name of “Gift of Life”.

Should you need to talk to someone at “Gift Of Life” please call us on 9946 2965. Complete confidentiality is assured.

Paul Vincenti for ‘Gift of Life’

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