The Malta Independent 6 June 2024, Thursday
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When Saturday Comes: The theatre of bad dreams

Malta Independent Saturday, 1 October 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

Before the season kicked off I said Manchester United were a club in trouble but after their decent start I began to think I may have been a little over hasty in my judgment.

Now, despite their midweek win over Benfica, I think I may have been right after all – things are not well in the theatre of dreams.

Last week Fergie and his team were booed off at Old Trafford following their defeat to Blackburn: something that has never happened before during his reign, at least as far as I can remember. And probably as far as he can either.

The fans were evidently unhappy. They wanted their team to attack. They wanted a return to 4-4-2. They wanted to see exciting and entertaining football.

For chants of “you don’t know what you’re doing” to ring around United’s stadium is almost unthinkable. But ring they did and it must have sounded like someone scratching their nails down a blackboard to Sir Alex.

To be frank, I think it is more than a little unfair when you consider what Ferguson has achieved with the club since he took over the then slumbering giants.

But I can understand the frustration of the fans. A summer of turmoil at the club has been followed by a start to the season which can only be described as mediocre.

And the news on Thursday that Roy Keane is preparing for life after Old Trafford can only add to the uncertainty and unrest among the supporters.

With the team they have, the experience of the manager and their huge support, United still have more than enough potential to turn their season around.

But somehow I think my pre-season instincts were right and we may actually be watching the end of an era at Old Trafford.


I didn’t get to watch much of the Liverpool vs Chelsea game on Wednesday but from the bits I did see it looked like both teams pretty much cancelled each other out.

Having said that, only the most diehard Chelsea fan would deny that Liverpool had one definite and one possible penalty turned down.

In games as tight as that one the smallest bad refereeing decisions can change the entire complexion of the contest as well as the outcome.

Further evidence in the case for video replays? I think so.


Apologies to my many fans (both of you) for not having been around this past couple of weeks but I was off getting married. Scary isn’t it?

Although I love my wife Alison very much, I have to say I am glad the wedding didn’t clash with a Sheffield derby or there could have been domestic incidents from the word go.

You only get married once, true, but Sheffield United will probably only get to go into a derby match top of the table once as well.

Luckily there were no clashes. Let’s hope similar luck holds out for future births, christenings and the like...

New Wembley

The new Wembley stadium is supposed to be ready in time to host this season’s FA Cup final in May. At least that’s what it says on the contract.

But senior members of the association are privately only giving it a 50/50 chance of actually being completed by the time the showpiece event is staged on 13 May.

Construction company Multiplex have now reiterated their promise to hand over the stadium by the end of March next year which would give the FA plenty of time to get it broken in by cup final day.

And you would imagine Multiplex would be keen to hand over the 757 million pound financial monster – a project on which they now expect to make a loss.

But, if senior FA officials are privately expressing doubts then there must be something going on behind the scenes, some snags or potential delays which are causing concern.

Personally I will be glad when the stadium is completed. It has been uncomfortable, in my opinion, having the English national team homeless for so long and even worse having FA Cup finals in Wales.

English football deserves a home it can be proud of and, judging by the work that has been carried out so far, that is exactly what it will get.

The only question now is when...

Contact James on: [email protected]

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