The Malta Independent 15 June 2024, Saturday
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Christian Music from Robert Galea

Malta Independent Saturday, 15 October 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

Robert Galea is a third-year seminarian reading for a theology and philosophy degree at the University of Malta. While on this road towards priesthood he also has a great passion to let what he feels in his heart be conveyed through his music.

Following the tremendous success of his three-track single More of You, released in 2004, he has been given the opportunity to record his latest project in the UK under top Christian Music producer Neil Costello (City of Gold, Spring Harvest, One Heart One Voice). With musicians such as Mark Prentice (Delirious), Neil Costello (Gloria Gaynor), Paul Evans (Tim Hughes and Matt Redman), as well as Robert’s “rich vocals” (Phil Loose ICC Records), “transparent and real lyrics” (Chris York EMI Christian Music Group) and catchy tunes, this project caught the attention of a number of international Christian record labels during his short stay in the United Kingdom.

“The reason for this recording is not simply one of expression or statement-making, but a fulfilment of a desire to give people the opportunity to understand my love for God, and, more importantly, my meagre understanding of God’s love for us, and in doing so they may begin to love Him too. I do believe that love is very contagious. My idea for this album, or for writing songs for that matter, is to help those who find it hard to ‘connect’ with God. Particularly when, for them, God sometimes seems so far away.”

Robert firmly believes that the Christian music industry in Malta, though selling a considerable amount of records every year, deserves a boost in quality and needs to be taken much more seriously. “Christian music has so much to offer, especially with the constant negative, atheistic messages found in much of today’s secular music. There are so many great Christian musicians and songwriters out there, and I know this is just the beginning of something awesome in contemporary Christian music.”

Closer, Robert’s debut album contains 10 worship songs, which were all written or co-written by Robert himself. The songs on this record are published by Daybreak Music, and the album is being distributed in the UK and the rest of Europe (apart from Malta that is) by ICC Records. It is being supported by APS Bank.

Closer will be released tomorrow and will be available from all leading record stores, as well as Christian bookstores around the island. For more information visit

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