The Malta Independent 4 June 2024, Tuesday
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St Lucija’s Needs

Malta Independent Sunday, 25 February 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

Mr J. Gaffarena

Recently, I received a paper from the local PN club telling us about some roads being tarmacked and so on.

Well, although I welcome such projects, I wonder why our aged residents, who live on the fifth floor of an apartment and who applied for a lift five years ago, are still waiting for it to be installed. Is this not a priority for them?

Another project we have been promised for the past 10 years is the traffic leaving Santa Lucia. Accidents happen here almost on a daily basis; all those residents who have to use this road know well what I’m saying.

As for our local police station, why is it always closed?

I hope that all those who are contesting the local council election in Santa Lucija and are elected, will aim at making our town a better place to live in.

Joseph Gaffarena


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