The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Court: Two On probation for theft

Malta Independent Tuesday, 17 April 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

Two men have been placed on probation for one and three years respectively after pleading guilty to stealing various items from the Siggiewi Nationalist Party Club in March.

Malvin Catania, 20, and a 16-year-old boy pleaded guilty to stealing cash, cigarettes and stereo equipment on the night of 24 March.

They also pleaded guilty to damaging the club and a number of amusement machines inside the club.

Magistrate Anthony Vella noted that the two accused had filed an early guilty plea, had returned the stolen items and cooperated with police. He also took note of their young age.

Catania was placed on probation for three years while the younger boy was placed on probation for a year.

Police Inspector Marisa Camilleri prosecuted while Dr Daniela Mangion and Dr Franco Debono appeared for the accused.

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