The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Seminar For journalists

Malta Independent Tuesday, 17 April 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The Office of the European Parliament in Valletta in collaboration with the Tumas Fenech Foundation for Education in Journalism is holding a seminar for journalists on Covering the European Parliament.

The guest speaker will be Michael Shackleton, head of unit at the European Parliament in Brussels, who will give an insider’s view of the European Parliament – an institution that continues to gain in power. His second lecture will deal with covering the European Parliament from a distance – the EP Web TV Project.

Other lectures will be given by Julian Vassallo, head of the European Parliament Office in Valletta on Legislating in Malta’s second Democracy – the EU Co-decision Procedure; Gabriella Pace, chief executive officer at Forum Malta fl-Ewropa on Malta in Europe and the only Maltese resident journalist in Brussels, Ivan Camilleri, on The challenges to local media in covering the EU.

Lecturers on the second day, besides Michael Shackleton, will include Elaine Cordina who is the Maltese language Press Officer at the European Parliament in Brussels, who will deal with Covering the European Parliament in Strasbourg and Brussels; and the two Maltese MEPs Simon Busuttil and Louis Grech on The Experience of half a mandate.

The seminar will be brought to an end by President Emeritus Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, chairman of the Tumas Fenech Foundation for Education, and Julian Vassallo, head of the European Parliament in Malta.

Attendance is free of charge. Those interested should book a place with Mario Schiavone, Administrator of the Tumas Fenech Foundation by phoning on 7904-8476 or sending an email to: [email protected] by Monday.

The seminar will be held on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 April, from 8.30am to 1pm.

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