The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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Taking Credit

Malta Independent Thursday, 26 April 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 18 years ago

I must congratulate the Nationalist government for bringing to a successful end the negotiations leading to the setting up of SmartCity Malta.

Ever since the announcement was made that the government was dealing with Tecom Investments, I have hoped that the deal would go through because I realised its magnitude and the way it will be transforming our economy.

Now that the two sides have signed an agreement, I do hope that we will soon start seeing the actual work taking place at Ricasoli, so that the project will function fully in the least time possible.

The agreement is proof that the government means business when it says that it wants to see Malta become an ICT centre. It is yet another confirmation that the way the government is administering the country is opening up new avenues for foreign investment.

The opposition Labour Party tried to put spokes in the government’s wheels but in the end they had to accept the fact that such a project could not be refused. The MLP had no other option but to vote in favour of the project too – and seemingly now its exponents have the cheek to want to take some of the credit.

Charles Cassar


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