The Malta Independent 13 June 2024, Thursday
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Olivia Lewis Leaves for Finland

Malta Independent Friday, 4 May 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 18 years ago

Olivia Lewis, Malta's representative at the Eurovision Song Contest, left Malta yesterday for Finland for what could be one of the most important weeks of her musical career.

Apart from the singer, the Maltese contingent consists of members of the Malta Song Board, composer Philip Vella and song-writer Gerard James Borg, as well as the performers who will accompany Olivia in her act and other staff.

In the departure lounge Olivia was accompanied by her family and friends and her pet, a black cocker spaniel, to which she clung while being interviewed by journalists.

Although she seemed to be quite calm about her Finnish adventure on the outside, Olivia told the press that she is pretty excited. Even though she was still in Malta, her mind was totally focused on her act in Finland as she was commenting about the rehearsal sessions. She said some hitches are bound to arise, “as always”, but she said she was convinced that they can be overcome.

Olivia said that the first session will be all important, as it will be followed by the first press conference at which she will have to make a good impression.

Speaking about her chances of advancing to the finals, she said she is pretty confident of her act. She also said there around 10 songs that are quite popular.

Olivia will be taking part in the semi-finals on 10 May. The final night will be two days later.

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