The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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America In Maltese classrooms

Malta Independent Sunday, 27 May 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 18 years ago

American diplomats are breaking from tradition. They’ve hung up their suits and started bringing a little bit of America to Maltese classrooms. Employees of the embassy are now participating in a school outreach programme. Upon invitation from teachers and heads of school, American diplomats visit Maltese classrooms and talk about American culture and society, or even lead sporting events. In the past year, employees have spoken to over 30 classes of students. Topics included Huck Finn, the Civil Rights Movement and wildlife in America. Children of embassy employees have also spoken to Maltese classes about life as young people in American schools. On one occasion, the US embassy joined teachers, students and residents in Xewkija, Gozo in a Clean Up the World activity, which included planting of olive trees. In conjunction with the programme, the embassy loans DVDs, videos and poster exhibits that highlight various aspects of US culture.

As part of this programme, US embassy officials recently visited the Antonio Bosio Secondary School in Gzira where they met with the staff and played two typical American games, kickball and dodgeball, with the students. The officials talked to the students about the importance of sports for a healthy lifestyle and answered several questions. At the end of the programme, the American officials presented a number of books to the school library.

The US Embassy would like to encourage all heads of educational institutions in Malta and Gozo who might be interested in participating in the school programme to contact the embassy at [email protected]

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