The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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IFS-Malta Lecturer in Romania

Malta Independent Sunday, 10 June 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

Peter Sant, a committee member and lecturer of IFS-Malta, was in Bucharest recently to deliver a series of lectures to undergraduate and Masters degree students of the Romanian Institute for Studies on Finance & Banking (ISFB).

Mr Sant’s well-received presentations focused on:

(i) the transformation of the Maltese economy over the last 40 years;

(ii) Malta’s run up to the adoption of the euro and entry into the eurozone;

(iii) the Single European Payments Area project.

This was the second series of lectures IFS-Malta delivered in Romania. The first was given last November by René G. Saliba, Director, Financial Markets Division, Central Bank of Malta,

Further discussions between IFS-Malta and the Romanian Banking Institute are being held to explore the possibility of extending this cooperation to other areas of mutual interest.

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