The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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Wirt Ghawdex Deplores development

Malta Independent Tuesday, 12 June 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 18 years ago

Wirt Ghawdex, the Gozo heritage society, has joined other NGOs in condemning the manner in which permits for development in sensitive areas such as Ramla Bay in Gozo were being issued.

Past mistakes should not have been aggravated by extending the footprint of the new development beyond the area disturbed in an otherwise pristine bay, it said. It was incomprehensible how an environment impact assessment was deemed unnecessary for a site of such natural and ecological beauty.

“The deplorable fact that the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage was completely ignored, when it is common knowledge that the area is replete with archeological remains, highlights the urgent need for amendments to the Cultural Heritage Act to make this national watchdog of our country’s patrimony much more effective,” the society said.

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