The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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On Pathetic and (not so) pathetic performances

Malta Independent Sunday, 7 October 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

From Mr E. Torpiano

With reference to Charmaine Calleja’s letter titled “An evasive Prime Minister” (TMIS, 23 September), allow me to say that, come the 2007/2008 Budget, she will be in a position to realise that her contention that Lawrence Gonzi is the “man who has abandoned the middle class of this country” was wide off the mark and was only empty socialist propaganda.

On Lou Bondi’s Bondiplus programme (TVM, Monday 1 October), Dr Alfred Sant was not man enough to admit that his repeated “Dr Gooonzi, Dr Gooonzi” harmed the Malta Labour Party, but, on the contrary, (he) only stated weakly that it was a joke which fell flat since he had kept a serious face (expression). It must have been a rather sick joke! Since, in this context, your correspondent also thought it fit to mention what, according to her, was the “all-pervading” grin on Gonzi’s face, one might ask why anyone must be castigated for having smiled. Evidently enough, Maltese socialists still prefer people to have the glum faces they had when they were living through the Mintoffian socialist regime from 1971 up to 1987!

Ms Calleja might have noted that she can no longer see Dr Sant’s truly pathetic Birzebbuga “MassFest” performance on One Television (activity held on Thursday 20 September) since One Television has removed it and is no longer screening it.

Edward Torpiano


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