The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Chess – Simonds Farsons Cisk National finals: Sammut Briffa has half point lead at the top

Malta Independent Wednesday, 17 October 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The 72nd edition of the national finals, sponsored by Simonds Farsons Cisk Ltd, has reached its half way mark with the following results for round five.Robert Zerafa vs Harry Camilleri 1-0; Duncan Vella vs Peter Sammut Briffa 0-1; Colin Pace vs Patrick Zerafa – draw.

The interim classification after five games reads thus:1. P. Sammut Briffa – 4 pts; 2. P.Zerafa – 3.5 pts; 3. D. Vella – 3 pts; 4. C. Pace – 2.5 pts; 5. R. Zerafa – 2 pts; 6. H. Camilleri – 0 pts.

The leader of the field, Sammut Briffa, is now one half point clear at the top of the table with P.Zerafa following closely behind. Both players have, as yet, not conceded a loss. P.Zerafa is performing bravely and his tenacity has earned him more than he had probably expected before the tournament commenced. In the next round he plays R.Zerafa whilst Sammut Briffa plays Camilleri.

Vella has had an excellent start with three straight wins and was for some time leading the field. He is now in third place after losing two games in succession. Vella plays current champion Pace in the next round.

Veteran Camilleri, winner of this championship for a record 17 times, must quickly forget his disastrous first five games, which he lost, notwithstanding playing good chess. Camilleri, who won the Malta Open this summer, is finding the goings a little bit too tough with long games played on three consecutive days and only one day of rest in between.

In the second round the six participants will face each other for the second time with the only change being the colours of their own army. The second round is a time where tension will be high and every half point dropped will weight heavily on the final classification.

In a parallel Invitation tournament being staged at the same venue we have the interim standings after five rounds:

1. Bora Stefanovic 4.5 pts; 2. John Richards 3.5 pts; 3. Ronald Sammut 2.5 pts; 4. Ivan Attard 2 pts; 5. Andre Xuereb 1.5 pts; 6. Elliot Farrugia. 1 point.

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