The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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Caritas Malta Forms Parkinson’s Disease Support Group

Malta Independent Wednesday, 30 January 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

Caritas Malta has set up a support group for persons affected by Parkinson’s Disease and their carers. The group will provide a forum where information can be shared and experiences exchanged which could assist affected persons overcome the limitations brought about by the disease. Carers could also be helped to understand better the effects and progression of Parkinson’s Disease, the efficacy of administered medication, and share their experiences in handling patients.

Caritas director Mgr Victor Grech said the support group was launched after the need was identified by Caritas to set up organised social support to Parkinson’s Disease sufferers and their carers. He added that he has been much encouraged by the public response to the launch meeting as it was very well-attended. The group is an addition to the varied support groups already active within Caritas Malta.

During the meeting last Saturday, Peter Ferry, a medical specialist in geriatrics and general internal medicine, spoke about the importance for carers to give their own feedback to the specialist about the progress of the patient. This would give the specialist an objective outlook which, in addition to the patient’s subjective view, would enable him to determine what further treatment to be given. Dr Ferry also gave an insight into the variations of the symptoms that can manifest the disease, how available medications worked, and their effects on patients. Research, he added, is being made to determine the causes of the disease and to find new and better treatments for it.

The first meeting of the support group will be held on Saturday, 9 February, at 10am at the Caritas offices in Floriana.

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