The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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ESF Co-funded courses in Gozo

Malta Independent Wednesday, 30 January 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The Gozo Ministry has launched a project to fight illiteracy and enhance the skills of human resources, including those involved in the agricultural sector, in a bid to enhance the human resource development and employability skills of the workforce in Gozo.

The project benefited from 75 per cent co-financing through the European Social Fund under the Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006.

Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono yesterday visited the University Gozo Centre in Xewkija, where she met coordinators and participants during one of the sessions.

A total of 42 participants have recently completed short courses which provided tuition on poultry production, good agricultural practices, and pesticide application and use. Another 36 Gozitans are aiming to improve their literacy and numeracy abilities by attending short courses in basic reading and writing skills, basic English, basic Maltese and basic numeracy. Another 20 individuals are following a course in viticulture and wine production, as part of the set of courses aimed at improving agricultural education.

Meanwhile, a new course in water management will be starting in the coming days, while another set of seven courses relating to agriculture are scheduled to start in March, along with another four in literacy and numeracy skills. These courses are particularly addressed at enhancing and extending the skills pertaining to the agricultural sector, which is an important sector for Gozo’s economy.

Applications for these courses will be issued shortly. Further details may be requested through the Short Courses Coordinator at the University Gozo Centre, Mgarr Road, Xewkija.

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