The Malta Independent 15 June 2024, Saturday
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PN Plans for November re-sits – MLP youths

Malta Independent Friday, 22 February 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 17 years ago

All the documentation brought to light over the past weeks showed that everything has been prepared for SEC and MATSEC re-sits to be removed from their September slot, the Forum Zghazagh Laburisti said in a statement. Neither Education Minister Louis Galea nor the government had ever raised any objection to the recommendations made on this. What was happening now, the Forum said, was that everything was being postponed till after the general election.

The education minister has denied there is any intention for re-sits to be held later.

No matter what Dr Galea maintained, the Forum insisted, everyone knew that re-sits would now not be held in September. So much so that when the recommendation was presented, Dr Galea had made himself clear about this by saying that if the proposal was not accepted a detailed revision of papers would not be possible.

Students would not believe the government about its re-sits intentions. In the past the students had been promised full stipends. Instead Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi in 2005 had reduced the stipends by 22 per cent, the Forum claimed.

Students in their first year used to get Lm60 monthly for nine months, Lm400 credit in the Smart card, and a grant of Lm200 in books in the card, bringing the total to Lm1,140.

Under Dr Gonzi students started getting Lm40 a month, Lm200 credit in the Smart card, and Lm200 for books, which in all represented a reduction of Lm380 from what students used to get, the Forum said.

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