The Malta Independent 14 June 2024, Friday
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A Political confession

Malta Independent Sunday, 24 February 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

From Mr M. Alexander PhD

I confess that I am in favour of divorce to get rid of the hypocrisy of “separation”.

I confess that I am for a secular State and reject the meddling of religious bodies in politics.

I confess that I am in favour of human and animal rights and to stop hunting and trapping.

I confess that I am politically for more than two parties to have all Maltese democratically represented with options for alliances.

I confess that I am for safeguarding the environment, which means more trees, bushes, parks instead of more buildings and concrete jungles.

I confess that legal and/or illegal asylum seekers should be regarded as human beings.

I confess that I am in favour of a “change of attitudes” of people including the strict implementation of EU rules, after all we are Europeans and not people of another continent.

Having carefully read the promises of all party leaders, I confess that I found only one party that proposes most of my confessions and which will get my votes: the Alternattiva Demokratika, the Green Party.

Have you made up your mind too?

Michael Alexander


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