The Malta Independent 14 June 2024, Friday
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The Opera House

Malta Independent Sunday, 24 February 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 17 years ago

From Mr M. Frendo

We boast of being European, yet our city, a UNESCO heritage city, has been deprived of such a monument.

Mention just one European city that isn’t adorned by such an edifice.

Ever since we became independent, each legislature had its budgetary and priority agendas.

Had a minor tax been levied on all citizens, we would have our Opera House functioning by now and getting some return on the investment.

It is a shame to our nation, that such a monument has been simply ignored. So much has been written and declared yet the fact is that our islands and historic city doesn’t have its own State Opera house.

If there should be a national consensus, surely this issue should be top on the list, and all citizens should contribute to be able to say we are Europeans in all aspects.

It is never too late. Yet we have to acknowledge the fact that our city is missing a major landmark

Martin Frendo


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