The Malta Independent 13 June 2024, Thursday
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The Valuation of my vote

Malta Independent Sunday, 24 February 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

From Mr M. Scicluna

I have four choices when I vote, the PN, MLP, AD, or NA, and perhaps even an Independent in our district as well.

What do they have in common? They are all after power, and my and your vote to get that power.

What do they have for me, you, and everyone? Just talk, talk, and talk.

Squeeze a lemon and you get juice, squeeze an MP and you get nothing.

My difficulty is that I have been trying to solve a problem since November 2006.

I have turned every stone I could lay my hands on and where did it get me? Nowhere.

The victim is my neighbours and I; the favoured is a foreigner, who left his country, or was kicked out of it, and ended up in Malta as a refugee.

Because of Human Rights he has a Maltese ID Card so he is a resident of Malta; he does not work so he gets Social Benefits. He rents an apartment and uses it as a meeting place, inviting his friends to meet for worship.

I tell this to all those who are after my vote and what do I get? Sweet nothing. The authorities have to abide by the laws that are made by those who are after my vote, and maybe are elected to power anyway.

So what do I do with my vote? Burn it? But that’s a sin, so I shall vote for the best of the worst, if any.

Thank you for nothing. Sad, sad, sad.

Michael Scicluna


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