The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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A Better Malta and Gozo

Malta Independent Sunday, 2 March 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

From M. Attard

I write in full support of Graziella Tanti’s letter “Students’ shameful behaviour” (TMIS, 24 February). Intolerance, hatred, ignorance, shameful behaviour, shouting, yelling and foul language projected an image of the Nationalist young supporters that shamed Gonzi and the PN. In a democratic country everyone has the right to voice his/her opinion. This does not mean that everyone has to accept such opinion but listens to various opinions and with a critical mind agrees or disagrees. This didn’t happen during the debate at university; it was more like a “circus”, as Lino Spiteri put it. Funnily enough, the PN issued a statement supporting such behaviour. How pathetic one can be! The PN that projects itself as a democratic party then supports and tolerates such a show.

What occurred last Monday is a reflection of the PN campaign. The PN is in a state of panic. They are afraid that on 8 March, the people will choose Labour. They have been in power for nearly 20 years and now that the end is near they are furious, angry, depressed and vulnerable. Being in such a state they will use ALL types of strategies, good and bad, that will help them to stay in power. They like to be in power, they like to look down on others and dictate to others what to do. They like to feel important and want to be important. Power and selfishness drive them to corruption.

It is time to give Malta and Gozo a breath of fresh air. Change is needed. People want and need change. The future is ours. We can change our future for the better. A vote for Labour on 8 March is a vote for a better Malta and Gozo, zero tolerance for corruption, a better education system and a better lifestyle. So on 8 March vote Labour.

M. Attard


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