The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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‘Going To the Polls’ in February issue of First

Malta Independent Sunday, 2 March 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 17 years ago

From Mr A. Fenech

In the February issue of First, in my article titled “Going to the Polls”, I wrote the following:

“Thirty years ago the innocent girl Karen Grech was cruelly murdered by a letter-bomb meant for her father, Professor Edwin Grech, a Labour Party sympathiser and candidate. Nationalist Party sympathiser and activist Raymond Caruana was murdered on 5 December 1986. To date, there has not been justice done in either case, but these must remain as the blackest moments. These were the nadir of despicable Maltese politics, generated by hate and fear.

“Fortunately, these are behind

us now too”.

My attention has been drawn to comments being made in some quarters that, perhaps, because “these are behind us now”, they should be forgotten and consigned to history.

This was not the scope of the comment. Such atrocities will never be forgotten and there should still be relentless efforts to bring the perpetrators to justice. What is behind us is that, thankfully, that terrible level of violence is no longer manifest in Maltese politics and we all hope and pray it remains like that forever.

Albert Fenech


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