The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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Saint Daphne And her hatred for MLP

Malta Independent Sunday, 2 March 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 17 years ago

From Ms R. Borg

Why does Daphne Caruana Galizia express so much hatred in her column about Dr Alfred Sant and all Labour voters?

I used to like her writing but her intense hatred nowadays is going too far. Does she see her face in the mirror? She is no model (though years have given her a make-over). Why does she use the words “wooden marionette face” when she speaks about Dr Sant?

The fake smile of gonzipn melts her. I wonder how her criticism would be if SantMLP were to be seen everywhere like Gonzi using his name for his party, this is what I call low.

And very low indeed is the way Mrs Caruana Galizia supports her 19-year-old son using the eff word in front of everyone to see and hear. After all even Nationalists members swear. Mrs Caruana Galizia, and her so polite and distinguished family have faults after all.

Mrs Caruana Galizia once wrote that Labour supporters waved their red knickers in the air during a Malta Labour Party meeting and this in the last election (I still have the cutting of the newspaper if she wishes to see it). May I ask what she and her sister were doing at university with the students?

I have a son and two daughters and I was not invited. How come she was?

Mrs Caruana Galizia, feeling low is when one supported the Labour Party he was not given absolution when he went to confession and when he died he was buried in the mizbla.

Does she in her 43-44 years remember that this is was what happened in Malta and not the Middle East!

Mrs Caruana Galizia also shows hatred when she talks about dockyard workers and their big bellies. Most of my family used to work at Malta Drydocks. We are very respected and I can assure her that most workers are hard working and honest. There is great danger every day there and they are exposed to all of it, while everyone in the Nationalist Party seem to hate and repress them especially the honourable wooden-faced Austin Gatt (his hatred showed on TV when he spoke about closing the yard in his ill-mannered way) and you, Mrs Caruana Galizia, with your well-mannered family uttering the eff word, thinking that no one competes with your intelligence.

I can assure you that my family, despite being Labour voters and dockyard workers, have respect for everyone, even you.

Our children attend university because when Labour was in government it made it accessible to all. Before that, you should know that it was only Nationalist basuzli who went to university.

Mrs Caruana Galizia wrote about the elves, referring to Pulse students who do not write good English.

What about the GonziPN elves behind the smiling face of our beloved Prime Minister? Do all of them write good English?

Every party has its inadequacies and if the Labour Party is not fit to govern neither is the Nationalist Party with all its promises and give away children’s allowances.

Mrs Caruana Galizia have you forgotten that we are in Lent? Please do redeem yourself and educate your son as he needs it, his f-f-f were uncalled for.

Mrs Caruana Galizia I wish you the nice things of life, which are simple living and respect for everyone be they Nationalist Party or Malta Labour Party or Alternattiva Demokratika or AN supporters.

Some mothers do still ’ave ’em.

Rosette Borg


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