The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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Government Dilemma

Malta Independent Monday, 19 May 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

This country has a parliament which has as a member one who has lied to the people and to his own party. Any such government will be under a serious threat of credibility and values. I do sincerely hope that our national character has not lost its morality. Everything is nothing, all will be forgotten.

The government will lose face and its credibility by having this individual on its side in parliament. If people think that this issue will remain behind close doors and confined to Maltese shores only, then they will be disillusioned. I believe that even now, other institutions are aware of this situation.

This individual can actually hold the government to ransom, every time he wishes to, because of the one-seat majority the government has.

The government is keeping mum by shifting the blame on the police inquiry, stating it is still unfinished. In the meantime parliament has met and no statement has been issued.

The scenario is unfolding in front of our eyes. Not much time is left. Are the PN and its government ready to leave things as they are?


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