The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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MTA Implements new risk management and quality assurance plan

Malta Independent Friday, 23 May 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) said it has responded to the recent UK Corporate Manslaughter Act with an internal education programme and a development programme for DMC’s to keep Malta at the forefront of the UK MICE market.

This recent legislation in the UK has meant that event organisers have to seriously consider their policies and risk management systems in their destinations of choice.

In response to these developments, the MTA has recently launched a new quality assurance scheme, specifically aimed at the MICE market.

This will facilitate central regulation and more stringent quality control of all DMC’s functioning in Malta, allowing event organisers to be confident in the product they are investing in.

Talking at an MTA seminar directed at local businesses Suzanne Cassar Dimech, head of the MTA MICE segment commented, “While MICE clients are particularly selective, the implementation of the Corporate Manslaughter Act will give event organisers additional criteria by which to select the destination in which to hold their event; namely Risk Management.

“Therefore, supplier credentials and third-party liability insurance will become an increasingly important factor, in differentiating Malta’s MICE offer in terms of marketing and competitiveness.”

As part of the process of internal education, the MTA invited two industry specialists to speak at a special conference last month. Firstly, Mr Andy Jarosz, Operations Director of UK based Crisis Management firm Docleaf discussed the responsibility of Crisis Management.

Chris Clarke, Client Services Director at UK based P&MM Travel and Events, addressed the subject of Risk Management.

Chris Fenech, Malta Tourism Authority (UK) said that “as a destination that is committed to providing the highest quality of facilities and care to the MICE market; we are very happy to be rolling out this scheme and ensuring that any companies looking to use the Maltese Islands for an event can put their minds at rest that they are receiving high levels of service as well as protecting their employees, clients, suppliers and the public from any unnecessary exposure to danger.”

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