The Malta Independent 4 June 2024, Tuesday
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Parliament: Minister Gatt Challenges Labour to come clean about Malta Shipyards privatisation

Malta Independent Wednesday, 25 June 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

In an unexpectedly animated conclusion to yesterday’s parliament session, Communications and Transport Minister Austin Gatt heatedly called on the Malta Labour Party to stop playing with words and challenged them to answer one question – “Is it in favour of the privatisation of the Malta Shipyards?”

Although parliament yesterday continued discussing the financial estimates of Water Services Corporation, where no particular flare-ups or heated discussions were expected, a few minutes before 9pm, Dr Gatt suddenly called on the Labour Party to come clean on the issue of the privatisation of the shipyard.

Dr Gatt’s sudden reaction was caused by a point of order made by Deputy Leader for Parliamentary Affairs Anglu Farrugia who, it seems, wanted to clarify a comment he had passed during Monday’s session.

During yesterday’s sitting just before Monday’s minutes were about to be approved by the House, Dr Farrugia called a point of order. He referred to comments he made during Monday’s parliament session and insisted that the opposition only agreed with privatisation “in principle” but did not agree with the privatisation of the Malta Shipyards as it was a decision taken by the government without any consultation.

However, Dr Gatt, who was the last person to speak yesterday, was replying to comments made by various Labour MPs about the WSC earlier on in the session, when he suddenly changed the subject and called on the Labour Party to stop playing with words.

The minister said that he requested the tape of Monday’s parliament session to see what Dr Farrugia had really said.

“After discussing the privatisation of the shipyards on Monday between 6pm and 6.30pm, Dr Farrugia rose and declared that the Opposition is not against privatisation. Soon after, Investment Minister Tonio Fenech stated that he was pleased with Dr Farrugia’s comments,” he said.

Dr Gatt pointed out that Mr Fenech was right to believe that Dr Farrugia said the Opposition was in favour of the shipyard’s privatisation, especially since he made that statement after parliament discussed the subject for half an hour.

However, he added, “today Dr Farrugia specified that the Opposition was in favour of privatisation in principle.”

An angry Dr Gatt challenged the Labour Party to be clear and stop playing with words.

“We want the position of the Labour Party. There is only question to answer – is it in favour or against the privatisation of Malta Shipyards?” he demanded.

“Be clear – is this new policy and look the Labour Party is boasting about capable of answering a simple question?” said Dr Gatt.

The minister said he had nothing against the Labour Party if they were not in favour of the privatisation of the shipyard but insisted that they come clean on the subject.

Labour MPs Charles Buhagiar, Noel Farrugia, Michael Farrugia and Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami also spoke during yesterday’s parliament session.

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