The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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PN Welcomes gas plant transfer

Malta Independent Friday, 24 October 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 17 years ago

The decision to transfer the gas plant from Qajjenza to Benghajsa, approved by Parliament this week, means that several residents in the area will benefit from less pollution and less danger, the Nationalist Party said in a statement yesterday.

It also meant that the area in question could be re-generated into a promenade where people could entertain themselves.

The PN noted that the opposition’s first vote in the presence of Joseph Muscat in parliament was against a project that will be of benefit to the environment and the residents.

While Dr Muscat promised a new way of doing politics, in practice he was doing the opposite, the PN said. The MLP remained a party that was against privatisation and liberalisation.

For its part, the PN welcomed the decision and appealed to the MLP to adopt policies that were in the national interest.

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