The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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European Development days

Malta Independent Friday, 21 November 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 17 years ago

This year’s edition of the European Development Days (EDD) was held in Strasbourg between 15-17 November. As in the past two editions of the EDD in Brussels in 2006 and Lisbon in 2007, Malta participated in this year’s edition having the theme “Local Authorities and Development”.

The objective of the European Development Days (EDD) is to help develop a more prospective, coherent and visible European development policy thinking. The objective is in part meant to be achieved through an annual multi-stakeholder gathering of European and external development actors. The EDD has firmly established itself as the third largest event organised by the European Commission (EC), providing a wide forum for discussion and ample space for networking among regional and international development agencies and organisations.

At this year’s edition, Malta was represented by officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Local Government and NGDOs. A stand highlighting Malta’s development initiatives was set up at the ‘Development Village’, situated in the heart of the Palais de Congrès.

Malta also participated actively in a half-day seminar, organised for new EU Member States (EU-12) on 15 November. The purpose of this seminar was to bring together the EU-12 development actors and potential actors for an exchange of views and sharing of good practices, to facilitate the exchange of new contacts and to build up new networks.

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