The Malta Independent 18 June 2024, Tuesday
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New Course records set at Cross Country national points series

Malta Independent Thursday, 9 April 2009, 00:00 Last update: about 16 years ago

The fourth round of the cross country national point series took place last

Sunday in Mizieb.

The seven laps 42.7km race circuit offered the participants a difficult challenge through its inclinations, loose terrain and technical sections. This was the first qualification race valid for GSSE selection. With such an important race the elite riders stormed out of the starting line with current national champion Etienne Bonello of Corratec-Team Greens taking the lead and setting the pace in the first kilometres.

Hot on his wheel were David Galea, Ramon Grech and Gerard Said of Qormi KIA together with Clive Ebejer and Jason Muscat.

It was Said that upped the tempo half way through the first lap as Bonello followed closely as they both opened a lead. They shared the pace to increase their advantage

as they cruised through the first lap with the immediate chasers at a close distance.

Bonello proved to be on a good day as he manged to drop Said in the second lap and hammer onto the pedals to increase his lead clocking himself each lap to ride to a new national course record in 1:38:17.

Back in the race Said was chased down by the Muscat, Galea & Ebejer while Grech had to abandon the race due to a mechanical mishap. The four riders raced each other for the remaining laps and their finish was bound to be determined by a final sprint.

A surprise for Ebejer and for the people watching, as he managed to outsmart his more experienced rivals and clinch the second place in 1:42:50 followed by Said in 1:42:56. Muscat was fourth in 1:53:00 and Galea fifth in 1:53:06.

Despite being the only lady in the race Marie Claire Aquilina of Team Greens came up with a record-breaking performance clocking the 30.5km in 1:19:48.

The next GSSE qualifying race will be held on Sunday 19 April at Delimara

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