The Malta Independent 6 June 2024, Thursday
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Anti-smoking Campaign at SkolaSajf

Malta Independent Thursday, 17 September 2009, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

Children who went to government summer schools forming part of the SkolaSajf programme participated in the EU-wide anti-smoking campaign, “Help – for a life without tobacco”.

Education Minister Dolores Cristina and parliamentary secretary Chris Said awarded prizes to children who came up with the best drawings illustrating the effects of smoking.

About 3,300 children participated in this summer’s SkolaSajf programme, and the anti-smoking campaign (which is part-EU funded) was run by students from the university’s Faculty of Medicine, SkolaSajf itself, the health promotion department and the Union Haddiema Maghqudin’s youth section.

Speaking during yesterday’s award ceremony, Ms Cristina said the campaign was focused on information rather than indoctrination.

Dr Said mentioned the EU’s Civil Society Fund, which could be used for similar campaigns and activities.

This year’s SkolaSajf programme focused on children’s creative skills (art, culture and the environment).

The programme included, among other things, educational quizzes, sport festivals, cultural activities organised in collaboration with Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna and Heritage Malta, as well as prevention programmes organised in collaboration with Caritas and Sedqa.

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