The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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Suspension Of bottle shop licence revoked

Malta Independent Saturday, 19 September 2009, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

A court yesterday ruled that a bottle shop’s licence should not have been revoked, ruling that the suspension resulted from conflicting arguments stemming from the Police Licensing Department and the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA).

John Bonello, owner of Quenchers bottle shop, was accused of selling alcohol by the bottle, going against the by-law that prohibits the sale of alcohol in glass bottles in the Paceville area.

An MTA spokesman said Mr Bonello had been noticed selling alcohol by the bottle many a time, so much so that he had bottles stacked on the shop’s shelves.

However, the Court of Criminal Appeal, presided over by Mr Justice David Scicluna, ruled that the suspension of the shop’s licence was too harsh a sentence, and revoked the suspension.

Lawyer Roberto Montalto appeared for Mr Bonello.

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