The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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Two-month Jail term for drug trafficker who

Malta Independent Saturday, 19 September 2009, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

A 30-year-old was yesterday jailed for two months after he was found guilty of dealing in drugs close to a school in Zejtun about eight years ago.

Generoso Barbara was found guilty of being in possession of cannabis resin on the night between 15 and 16 August 2001, and of selling ecstasy a year before.

Handing down his judgement, magistrate Lawrence Quintano took into consideration the accused’s positive probation report, the fact that he cooperated with the police, and that the case happened quite a while ago.

Apart from the two-month jail term, Barbara was also fined e234. Police inspector Victor Aquilina prosecuted and lawyers Franco Debono and Marion Camilleri appeared for the accused.

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