The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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Court: Love Quadrangle … or is it?

Malta Independent Thursday, 1 April 2010, 00:00 Last update: about 13 years ago

A 39-year-old man was remanded in custody after pleading not guilty to the making and circulation of pornographic material as well as corruption of minors.

The man, who resides in Iklin, and who cannot be named following a court ban, allegedly circulated several photos and films of sexual activities he had with a married woman.

Some of the photos ended up on the Iklin church notice board and nearby shop facades with the intention of making the woman’s husband and other persons know what was going on.

The man, also married and a father, was also charged with exhibiting pornographic photos to minors.

Police investigations unravelled a whole plot and the case had been going on for some months.

The woman, 36, also residing in Iklin, was having a relationship with a second man and on getting to know, her husband wanted to work out solutions and persuade his wife to go back home, saying he would forgive her wrongdoings in a bid for a fresh start.

However, the husband was unaware of his wife’s third partner. This man was in fact arraigned in court over photos of sexual acts with the woman.

Magistrate Anthony Vella heard that the man had been putting up photos together with the name of the woman’s second partner, so as to win her over and put an end to the marriage once and for all. Meanwhile, he thought the second man would get the blame.

In a string of 10 charges, eight were related to pornographic material. The man was also accused of damaging the woman’s vehicle and relapsing.

Police inspectors Elton Taliana and Graziella Muscat led investigations. Lawyer Franco Debono appeared for the accused.

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