The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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Watch: Dr Muscat hails historic victory

Malta Independent Sunday, 10 March 2013, 15:33 Last update: about 11 years ago


Newly elected Prime Minister Joseph Muscat hailed yesterday’s victory not only as a historic triumph for a new movement, but also as a clear message that people want a clean break with old-style politics. Labour’s margin of victor in excess of 36,000 represents the biggest victory for any political party since 1947 when the Labour Party had registered a historic win under the leadership of Sir Paul Boffa.

Addressing the media at the counting hall in Naxxar,  a couple of hours after the PN conceded defeat, Dr Muscat remarked that it is evident that a political party could have never aimed to achieve such a landslide victory, emphasizing that this was the collective effort a new movement which grew stronger throughout the campaign. He added that the new government will strive to keep this approach, rather than adopt an approach of a party in government.

In a very reconciliatory tone, Dr Muscat  saluted outgoing Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, thanking him for his efforts to lead the country forward, albeit with different priorities. He added that following Dr Gonzi’s decision to step down from party leader in the aftermath of this defeat, the outgoing prime minister should still be respected for his distinguished career during which he also served as Speaker.

The prime minister elect said that Labour’s energy plan will be of utmost priority. However he pointed out that in current circumstances the most urgent issue is the constitutional vacuum of not having a leader of the opposition, pointing out that the new government will not steam roll over its rivals even though it enjoys a seven seat majority. Dr Muscat said that on one hand there will be the contest for leader of the opposition, while on the other hand the country’s budget has to be approved within weeks. He added that he foresees no controversies about the budget, with the only amendment being that minimum wage earners will be exempted from income tax.

Regarding the forthcoming EU summit due to take place later this week, which will mark Dr Muscat’s first commitment abroad as the country’s prime minister, he said that there should be no major issues with the new government endorsing the key policies and positions taken by his predecessor.

The prime minister elect said that once the general election result is out, he will lose no time to announce his new cabinet, adding that he has already  a clear idea about his team. However he remarked that the strong  unprecedented parliamentary majority in the post Independence era, which the new government enjoys, will factor in his decisions.

Dr Muscat said that he intends to send a strong message that the new government will take its participation in EU Council of Minister meetings seriously. He said that so far the only definitive decision regards the post of deputy prime minister, who will be Louis Grech. The latter will also be responsible to ensure the implementation of Labour’s electoral programme.

In his comments Dr Muscat laid emphasis on the fact that the new government will not represent the majority of the electorate, but the whole country irrespective of any political beliefs.

Asked by The Malta Independent about the manner in which he will ensure that the new government will keep its feet on the ground with such a strong majority, the prime minister elect said that recent experience of the PN government who enjoyed a one-seat majority and detached itself from the electorate is an eye-opener.

He pledged that keeping in touch with the electorate is paramount. “We don’t even have time to bask in victory, since there is a lot of work to do” concluded Dr Muscat.

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