The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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PN MEPs hope third revision of citizenship scheme will provide ‘genuine link’

Malta Independent Friday, 31 January 2014, 11:19 Last update: about 11 years ago

"We are hopeful that this third revision of the scheme will mean that the Opposition's requests for there to be a genuine link with Malta will be heeded" PN Members of the European Parliament said in a statement issued via the European People’s Party.

The PN MEPs noted that, after close to 4 months of continuous bad international press, the Labour Government has finally been forced to listen after the European Commission threatened infringement proceedings.
Head of Delegation David Casa said that "the PN MEPs have always and consistently appealed for the Government to listen to the Opposition, to civil society and to 90% of the European Parliament and at least introduce a genuine link. All of this could have been avoided four months ago if only the Government agreed to listen."
MEP Roberta Metsola said that "the fact that the Government has now agreed to the inclusion of an effective residency requirement, meant that at least people would have to forge some ties with Malta before simply being given a passport. It should never have reached this stage. What has Malta gained by the Government's insistence on dragging Malta's hard-earned reputation down day after day for all this time?"
The PN MEPs urged the Government to publish the full details of the agreement with the Commission and emphasised that it was now essential for the Government not to betray the good will with which it negotiated with the European Commission and to work will all partners to start re-building Malta's reputation.

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