The Malta Independent 14 June 2024, Friday
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Magistrate notifies Minister, Commission for Administration of Justice about Toni Abela absence

John Cordina Tuesday, 11 November 2014, 15:02 Last update: about 11 years ago

A 63-year-old man accused of threatening and slightly injuring his wife will have to find a new address in short order as he was granted bail and banned from approaching her or the town they live in.

The Pembroke resident, who pleaded not guilty to the charges filed against him, had to be hastily assigned a legal aid lawyer after his own lawyer – Labour deputy leader Toni Abela – failed to show up.

Dr Abela had been informed by prosecuting inspector Carol Fabri that he should be in court by noon. But by the time proceedings actually started at around 1:30, the court was informed that he could not make it because he was held up, and lawyer Anthony Cutajar was subsequently appointed as legal aid.

Magistrate Audrey Demicoli chose to make a statement on Dr Abela’s absence, and ordered that it should be delivered to the Justice Minister and to the Commission for the Administration of Justice.

The defendant was arrested on Sunday afternoon, and was accused of slightly injuring his wife, threatening her, causing her fear that violence would be used against her, disobeying police orders, threatening or reviling police officers and breaching the public peace.

Insp. Fabri explained that the couple had long-standing problems, including the defendant’s untreated alcoholism.

Dr Cutajar requested bail on his behalf, and Magistrate Demicoli granted it against a €2,000 personal guarantee. But the accused was banned from approaching his wife and from entering Pembroke, and was thus asked to inform the court of his new address.

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