The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil shoots down hunters' objections to spring hunting referendum

Tuesday, 11 November 2014, 12:36 Last update: about 11 years ago

There is no legal reason why the 2015 spring hunting referendum should not go ahead, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil told a Constitutional court today.

Dr Busutill negated claims made by two hunting organisations that the referendum would go against the provisions in Malta's EU accession treaty.

The hunters also claimed that the referendum would be in violation of their rights as a minority interest group.

Dr Busuttil said that a referendum to annul certain laws is a civil right and should not be limited except for certain provisions provided for in the law.

In a separate submission to the court last week, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat also dismissed the hunters' objections to the referendum.

The final word as to whether the referendum can be held rests with the court.

The earliest the referendum can be held if the court gives its go-ahead is April next year and the latest July.



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