The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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Minister emphasises importance of Maltese language in explaining cultural heritage

Jacob Borg Friday, 23 January 2015, 14:45 Last update: about 10 years ago

Culture Minister Owen Bonnici today drove home the importance of using Maltese in order to explain Malta’s cultural heritage.

Speaking during the launch of the Cultural Heritage National Forum, Dr Bonnici said one cannot just rely on English when explaining Malta’s cultural heritage.

Maltese is important too, particularly when it comes to internal tourism, he said.

The process of amending the 2002 cultural heritage act is under way following a public consultation which began in November. 

He said that there have been some minor amendments since 2002, focussing on issues such as ticket prices for museums.

He said a Bill to amend the Cultural Heritage Act had been passed through Parliament in 2005, but for some reason never came into force.

Amendments to the new Bill will include research incentives and financial incentives to the private sector for participating in cultural projects.


On the V-18 project, Dr Bonnici said the important is not just in the events put up in 2018, but the overall legacy of the project. 

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