The Malta Independent 4 June 2024, Tuesday
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What did freedom incur?

Monday, 2 February 2015, 13:32 Last update: about 10 years ago

Sensiela Kotba Soċjalisti will be holding a talk by Mark Camilleri at the Labour Party Headquarters on Friday 6 February at 6:30pm. Mark Camilleri, author of Ħelsien, il-mixja lejn il-31 ta' Marzu tal-1979, will be giving a talk about his book at the Labour Party Headquarters in Hamrun.Camilleri's book deals with the Malta Labour Party's fight for 'Freedom' and its celebration on every 31st of March commemorating the departure of the last British naval ship from Malta in 1979. But what did this 'Freedom' stand for exactly and what did it incur?The MLP's struggle in the sixties and seventies was a socialist struggle: a struggle for political freedom and the Maltese way of life and standard of living. It was a struggle to be carried out holistically, both in foreign politics as well as on local economic ground - and in both cases, the MLP used to follow an ideology similar to that championed by other newly-independent countries around the world.The book is of particular interest especially because of the fact that it is researched from archives and documents that are relatively new to the field of study, amongst which are new British and  texts from the USA, local Government documents as well as internal MLP documentation.

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