The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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Watch: SHout campaign voxpops on hunting referendum show growing public support for 'no' vote

Saturday, 14 February 2015, 10:54 Last update: about 10 years ago

A video released today by SHout, the Spring Hunting Out campaign, shows members of the public speaking out and sharing their reasons for voting no in the upcoming referendum.

The voxpops were conducted with shoppers on a busy Saturday in Tigne Point, with the majority saying they will vote no because birds should not be shot in spring while they are on their way to breed. One woman said that "we will never see turtle doves and quail again, if we keep on killing them."

Others said that they would be voting no because the countryside is there to be enjoyed by all Maltese, and that spring hunting has a negative impact on the environment.

SHout campaign coordinator Romina Tolu said "It's fantastic to see so many people supporting the cause and speaking out against spring hunting. The campaign is growing every day." She continued "Even while the voxpops were being carried out, many passers by stopped to say that they too would be voting no. It is very encouraging."


Ms Tolu added that "Every vote will be important in this referendum, so we urge everyone to turn out on the day and vote no to get spring hunting out."

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