The Malta Independent 6 June 2024, Thursday
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Fifty Shades of Grey breaks records at the Eden Cinemas Box Office

Thursday, 26 February 2015, 14:36 Last update: about 10 years ago

Fifty Shades of Grey premiered on Friday 13th February at the Eden cinemas with complete sell out shows throughout the day and weekend. Being one of the most anticipated films of the year, there was no doubt that the film would be a success at the box office, however, with tickets for the premiere selling out in just a few days, expectations were greatly exceeded and extra screens had to be opened up.

Ten days into its release the film has exceeded all expectations and has brought in more people than any film in 2015 or in 2014 while at the same time breaking the record for box office takings for a single film in February. Fifty Shades of Grey has outperformed top grossers of last year The Hobbit and Maleficent and is expected to continue going strong and continuing to break records throughout its release period which could be as much as 12-16 weeks.


It is interesting to note that in its second week, film attendance dropped by 73% in the United States but locally, Fifty Shades of Grey is still performing stronger than many blockbusters do on their first week.  

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