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A&H Relationships: My kind of life

Saturday, 28 February 2015, 11:11 Last update: about 10 years ago

Caroline and Kurt Paris on fun, laughter, IT and art. Joint Interview by Suzanne Vassallo.

Once upon a time a charming prince laid eyes on a beautiful princess. They fell in love, he proposed, they got married, and lived happily ever after. Well all right, it didn’t happen quite like that, but as it’s February, and much of this month revolves around Valentine’s Day, I decided that a little bit of fairytale romance wouldn’t go amiss.

I am sitting across from Caroline and Kurt Paris, and am reminded of my long gone days in kindergarten. These two are sitting close together. They giggle and nudge each other playfully, while I suppress the urge to bring out a colouring book and some crayons. My kitten looks on, surprised that humans can be more playful than a little feline.

Pen poised we get down to business. How did they meet?  “It was an arranged marriage,” says Kurt, looking at his young wife, who is trying, unsuccessfully, to glare at him. I’m trying to keep a straight face. Is he ever serious?  They both tell me the story, in unison.  Caroline disagreeing at Kurt’s exaggerations, and putting facts straight and Kurt interjecting with man stuff, which he finds important, like his playing computer games during breaktime.

It was anything but an arranged marriage but, since they are both Maltese, family connections were involved. You guessed it. Their fathers knew each other – small world, smaller island. Caroline needed a summer job and joined Kurt’s father’s team. Was it really love at first sight? It seems not.

Kurt admits he liked the look of Caroline but she says she’s not the type of girl who likes cuddly guys. More laughter ensures. It seems like Kurt got the last laugh. Caroline loves the gym, and anything to do with fitness. She’s quite into the body beautiful on both the male and female form. She wakes up very early, three times a week, to be at the gym before the cock crows. She tells me that she didn’t really look at Kurt initially, but the attraction was there.»

Kurt, being a relaxed individual, certainly took his time. Caroline found this extremely perplexing, especially since he would drive her home, or take her out, never alone but always with a group of friends. At one point, later down the line, she set her sights on another, thinking “What on earth is taking Kurt so long to make a move” That evening, when dropping her off home, he kissed her on the cheek, and kissed her properly the very next day .

They have been married for four years. I’m told that he was a bit iffy about marriage. They had, after all, spent a year living together in Scotland, while doing their masters degrees. Why rock the boat? Kurt said ‘live together’. Caroline said ‘marriage’. Kurt had won a prestigious award which came with a decent amount of cash by way of a prize, and instead of buying (yet another) camera, he bought his beloved a ring.

She’s a fashion stylist with a blog and he’s a photographer. They both have full time jobs in the IT industry, although they look nothing like geeks. Their time is taken up by so much to do. How does that work?

This year, they have actually made a resolution to spend more quality time together. A designer friend of theirs, and also part of a creative couple, suggested they go to each other’s functions. This is working out well, and it’s a suggestion they feel should be shared.

What else do they share besides a home, friends, family and creativity? They catch each other’s eyes and there’s loud laughter from both of them. Kurt tells me about Caroline’s love affair with anything to do with the gym. She interjects, reminding him that most of her best ideas some to her while she’s on the treadmill, or spinning – “like a gerbil”, Kurt tells me, rolling his eyes in pretend shock horror.

Caroline pats him playfully on his tummy, much like one would rub a Buddha for luck.  He ruffles her hair. The idea of colouring books flashes past, but I’m wondering if I should have a Naughty Chair instead. Cue more giggles.

Are they ever serious? Indeed they are. Their creative side brings out a work ethic which is serious. Caroline loves helping clients work on their wardrobe, or sort it out for that matter. She offers a personal shopping service, and writes a blog. Kurt’s genre is people, who his photography captures beautifully. He will photograph events, or anything people oriented. »

They work on some projects together, with Caroline doing the styling and Kurt snapping away. They lament that any form of the arts in Malta is expected to be free. While they feel that they, like all others, should be paid for their work, they also work for free, should the situation so require, as they believe that they, too, should give something back.

The matter of Valentine’s Day comes up. Caroline tells me how their first Valentine’s Day was anything but romantic or special. Guess Who had left the dinner booking to the last minute. I can just about hear a collective gasp from my readers. I too, was taken aback. Being a happy-go-lucky chap, Kurt felt, deep down in his bones, that everything would be ok.

All would be all right on the night, once Kurt had booked a table for two in a romantic restaurant known for its ambience – except that it wasn’t. The table for two was surrounded by many, many tables for two, all a waiter’s girth away. Fortunately they still laugh about it. Why am I not surprised?

Last Valentine’s Day gift was a good one. Kurt bought Caroline a plant: “A Ficus MicroCarpa. It’s kind of like a small bonsai which she has not managed to kill.” It’s belly laughs this time round. Arranged marriage or not, Adonis or otherwise, these two know each other, and it works. Laughter is not just the best medicine, it’s a great multivitamin.


And that, dear readers, is why the charming prince and his beautiful princess will live happily ever after.›

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