The Malta Independent 4 June 2024, Tuesday
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World news in one minute: Find out what happened around the world on 10 March

Associated Press Wednesday, 11 March 2015, 09:28 Last update: about 10 years ago


BUENOS AIRES — Two helicopters carrying French sports stars filming a popular European reality show crashed in a remote part of Argentina, killing 10 people, including two Olympic medal winners and a sailing champion, authorities said. By Debora Rey and Peter Prengaman. 


DEBALTSEVE, Ukraine — The eastern Ukrainian town that separatist rebels fought so hard to capture is reduced to an apocalyptic scene of destruction and human misery. Coming to terms with how much they have lost, residents are acclimatizing to the unusual sounds of peace and straining to think how to put it all back together again. 


LONDON — People who act as "apologists" for terrorists are partly to blame for their actions, Britain's foreign minister say, rejecting claims that slip-ups by the intelligence services helped turn young Britons into jihadi militants.


KIEV, Ukraine — Ukraine's president says government and Russian-backed separatist forces have pulled back the bulk of their artillery and rocket launchers from the front line in the east, in compliance with a cease-fire deal. 


ROME — Italy's highest court is hearing what could be the final appeal in former Premier Silvio Berlusconi's infamous "bunga-bunga" case. 


VIENNA — A U.N. nuclear agency official probing allegations that Iran worked on atomic arms says talks in Tehran were "useful" and the sides have agreed to meet again next month. 


MADRID — The Spanish Interior Ministry says police have arrested two people in the north African enclave of Ceuta on suspicion of belonging to a jihadi terror cell and who were prepared to carry out attacks in Spain. By Ciaran Giles. 


PARIS — France's Parliament is starting debate on a bill aimed at allowing doctors to keep terminally ill patients sedated until death comes, amid national debate about whether to legalize euthanasia. 


STOCKHOLM — Singer-songwriter Emmylou Harris and Scottish percussionist Evelyn Glennie won the 2015 Polar Music Prize, a prestigious Swedish music award founded by the manager of ABBA. 


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