The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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World news in one minute: Find out what happened around the world on 29 March

Associated Press Monday, 30 March 2015, 06:52 Last update: about 10 years ago


NEW YORK (AP) — Emergency workers find two bodies in the mass of rubble left behind when three apartment buildings collapsed during an apparent gas explosion and fire in lower Manhattan, police say. 


WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency considered abandoning its secret program to collect and store American calling records in the months before leaker Edward Snowden revealed the practice, current and former intelligence officials say, because some officials believed the costs outweighed the meager counterterrorism benefits. 


HALIFAX, Nova Scotia — An Air Canada plane makes a hard landing short of the runway at the Halifax airport during a snowstorm, crashing into a bank of antennas and shearing off its main landing gear, nose cone, and an engine as it skids on its belly. Officials say there are no fatalities and only minor injuries. 


SAO PAULO — A quirky 19-year-old YouTube personality and a former investment banker are the unexpected leaders behind recent mass protests calling for an end to corruption and President Dilma Rousseff's ouster. The AP looks at where they want to take the movement they sparked. 


WASHINGTON — Former technology executive Carly Fiorina says she is more than 90 percent likely to seek the Republican presidential nomination. 


INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana's governor defends the new state law that's garnered widespread criticism over concerns it could foster discrimination against gays and says it wasn't a mistake to have enacted it. 


NEWARK, New Jersey — First Lady Michelle Obama celebrates the beauty, power and tenacity of black women while spreading her own message of education for girls at Black Girls Rock!, an annual event honoring trailblazing women of color from all walks of life. 

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