The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca visits id-Dar tal-Providenza

Thursday, 9 April 2015, 11:07 Last update: about 10 years ago

The President of Malta, Mrs Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca and her husband Edgar visited Id-Dar tal-Providenza on the first anniversary of her presidency. She uncovered a marble plaque in the car park commemorating the Mass of the Holy Spirit that was celebrated by Archbishop Emeritus Mgr Paul Cremona OP under a specially put up tent before she proceeded to take the oath of office at the President’s Palace in Valletta a year ago. She later attended a Mass that was celebrated in the Home’s chapel, met the residents, adminisistration, workers and volunteers and toured a few projects that are either complete or under construction. She saw for herself the construction of the therapeutic pool for the use of the residents, the refurbishment underway in the square in front of the chapel as well as the multisensorial rooms that were inaugurated two years ago.

In his welcome address, Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, said that the President’s visit did not only coincide with her first year in office but also with the occasion of the Home’s 50th anniversary this year during which various activities are being organised to make this a special anniversary.

“For you, this past year” Fr Martin told Mrs Coleiro Preca, “was indeed a very busy one as Head of State especially so that the dear nation of ours becomes more one of inclusion, fairness, equality and solidarity with anyone who needs this type of support. A nation that has the lowly close to its heart and that sees the difference as something beautiful and not a threat.”

The President of Malta praised the continuous hard work that goes on at Id-Dar tal-Providenza and the dedication that carers and workers show towards the residents. She said she is just not capable of resisting any invite to visit the Home because she can alsways see for herself the love that pervades in it.


Mrs Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca and her husband Edgar were then the hosts of honour for lunch which was also attended by a representation of residents, carers and administrators. 

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