The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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Watch: Up to the police whether or not to investigate Anton Refalo – Prime Minister

Neil Camilleri Thursday, 7 May 2015, 11:54 Last update: about 10 years ago

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat today said he was unaware if Gozo Minister Anton Refalo is being investigated over allegations that ministry workers have carried out works in private residences and insisted that it is up to the police to decide whether to investigate him or not. The claims were made by the PN media, which alleged that cases similar to those of Giovanna Debono's husband have taken place after the 2013 general election and are taking place now.

Replying to questions by The Malta Independent in Switzerland, Dr Muscat said he was unaware if the Gozo Minister was being investigated. "I am not privy to such information," he said. "I will not interfere. The police can investigate anyone at any time.

Pressed to say if he expected the police to investigate Dr Refalo after the claims against him, Dr Muscat said that was up to the police but the allegations have to be founded, not just allegations.

Following Giovanna Debono's resignation, the PL has shifted its attention on the alleged meeting between the whistle-blower in the case and PN Leader Simon Busuttil. Dr Busuttil should declare what he was told during that meeting, the PL is insisting.

Asked if Dr Busuttil should resign should it turn out that he was informed about the case two years ago, Dr Muscat said the PN Leader should first say what was said in the meeting. "Only he and the whistle-blower know what was said but I suspect they did not speak about football." The Prime Minister was cautious in his reply, insisting only that for now, Dr Busuttil should state what was said in the meeting.  

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