The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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World news in one minute: Find out what happened around the world on 7 May

Associated Press Friday, 8 May 2015, 08:05 Last update: about 10 years ago


LONDON - The World Health Organization says the number of Ebola cases reported in Guinea and Sierra Leone last week dropped to 18, the lowest total this year. The U.N. health agency said the situation was "encouraging" but noted officials are still unable to track exactly where the virus is spreading. 


MOSCOW -Symbols of the Soviet triumph in World War II are impossible to escape in Russia in the run-up to the 70th anniversary of Victory Day on Saturday. May 9 has long been the most revered holiday in Russia, bringing together people of all generations and political views. But the holiday has become an increasingly pompous celebration as the Kremlin exploits the memory of the victory to reassert Russia's place in the world and justify its aggressive foreign policy. 


WARSAW, Poland - Poland's president is leading international commemorations on Thursday marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, a gathering meant as an alternative celebration to Moscow's Red Square parade two days later. 


BRUSSELS - France says talks between Greece and its bailout creditors are going the right way and hopes that Monday's eurozone meeting will see the sides narrow their differences. Finance Minister Michel Sapin told EU legislators Thursday that "the risk of things running off the rails for Greece also entails that risk for Europe." 


ROME - An electrical short circuit is being investigated as the probable cause of a fire that badly damaged part of Rome's Fiumicino airport and closed it to most traffic Thursday morning.


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